Lego®Serious Play® “You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than you can from a lifetime of conversation”
- Plato


100% Engagement

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is based on a set of fundamental beliefs about leadership and organizations:

  • Leaders don’t have all the answers
  • Their success is dependent on hearing all voices in the room
  • People naturally want to contribute, be part of something bigger and take ownership
  • All too often, teams work sub optimally leaving knowledge untapped in team members
  • We live in a world which best can be described as complex and adaptive and allowing each member to contribute and speak out results in a more sustainable business


Lego®Serious Play® (LSP) is a facilitated meeting, communication, and problem-solving method, where participants are led through a series of questions, which go deeper and deeper. Each participant builds their own three-dimensional LEGO model in response to the certified LSP facilitator’s questions using specially selected LEGO bricks. These 3D models serve as the basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Lego®Serious Play® draws on extensive research from the fields of business, organisational development, psychology and learning, and is based on the concept of “hand knowledge.”

Using visual, auditory and kinesthetic skills, LSP requires participants to learn and listen, providing everyone the opportunity to speak and be heard.

An innovative, experimental process designed to enhance innovation and business performance, the LSP applications are limitless, and the experience is always tailormade and can be used as a stand-alone learning event or in combination with other learning approaches.


Maximize Insights and Evoke 100% Engagement

LSP makes sense if it is important that

  • Everyone can contribute his or her knowledge and opinions on a level playing field.
  • The meeting includes honest dialog and collaborative communication.
  • No one participant dominates at the expense of others, for example, pursuing a personal agenda.


Find Solutions to Complex Situations

LSP makes sense when

  •  The subject is complex and multi-faceted, and there are no clear answers.
  • There is a need to grasp the big picture, see connections and explore various options and potential solutions.
  •  The participants are diverse in age, professional background or training, or organizational status.


Create Commitment For All Decisions Made

LSP makes sense if it is important to

  • Make decisions that everyone commits to and honors after the meeting, even though she/he does not agree 100% with everything.
  • Make sure that there are no excuses or lack of initiative after the meeting because the participants did not feel involved in the decision-making process.
  • Give all participants a common understanding and point of reference that will impact their work together after the meeting.


Short-cut to Increased Confidence and Better Communication

Workshop participants leave with

  • Increased confidence, commitment and insights.
  • Ability to communicate more effectively
  • Able to engage their imagination more readily
  • New appreciation of their fellow workshop participants

Contents Bridge KK.

Coaching – Facilitation -Assessment
